Fix SDC Learnership

The Fix Scholarship in partnership with The Skills Development Corporation Private (Pty) Ltd. presents The Fix SDC Learnership Programme.


We are looking for female leaders that want to improve their business skills and be part of our Fix Scholarship Women’s Mentorship programme that includes life and business coaching with the best skills development organisations in the industry as well as Sonja Shear, Executive Business Coach & Leadership Specialist.


The Fix SDC Learnership Programme will be offering the following courses:


  1. Wealth Management NQF level 4

  2. Project management NQF level 4

  3. Business Administration NQF level 3 

Further your studies, create change and become a leader. Apply Now!


Coach Sonja Shear for the Fix SDC Learnership programme focuses on self-development and self-awareness which is key for any leader. The programme zones in on your business ideas and where you want to go as an individual. It will help you understand your own power and the ability to create the results you want.

“There are so many opportunities out there if you set your mind straight and just do it. Do not be a victim of your own thoughts, you can be as successful as any man or other woman, find a mentor and draw on your strengths and finally believe you can” -  Coach Sonja Shear

Further your studies, create change, and become a leader. Apply Now!

  1. Applicant must specify if Abled or Disabled 

  2. Applicants must be between the ages of 18-28

  3. Applicant must be African, Coloured or Indian and must be a South African Citizen.

  4. Applicant must reside in Gauteng 

  5. Applicant must have a minimum of Grade 12 passed

  6. Applicant needs to be able to read, write and communicate in English

  7. The applicant will need to write a Psychometric Assessment Test at SDC before enrolment. 

    • Applicants must achieve at least 80% in the test to qualify for the above courses.

  8. Applicant must have an updated professional CV

  9. Applicant must be unemployed

  10. Applicant must be able to supply the following:

  • 2 x Certified copies of highest school qualification

  • 3 x Certified colour copies of ID

  • 3 Months bank statement 

  • SARS Tax number

  • Proof of residence (if living with someone else must provide affidavit)

  • Proof of disability (If disabled)

  • Closing date for applications is Friday 14 May. The winners will be announced 26 May 2022 and the course will commence on 1 June 2022.

  • Applicants will be reviewed and evaluated on a rolling basis. The course does fill quickly, so the earlier your application is submitted, the higher your chance of being accepted.

  • Please note that this is a scholarship for tuition and mentorship only. The successful candidate will need to cover their transport and accommodation costs during the Learnership programme.

  • SDC, The Fix Scholarship and Sonja Shear reserves the right not to award the scholarship.
    (T’s & C’s apply). 

Q: What is a Learnership?

A: A Learnership is a structured learning programme that includes theoretical and practical workplace experiential learning over a period of at least 12 months and which leads to an occupationally related qualification registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).


Q: Which Leanership Programme should I choose?

A: Please contact SDC for information on all courses. Remember that you will need to also apply to SDC and complete a competency test in order to qualify for the above course. (


ID Number
0 (Max. 13 Characters)
Date of Birth
Email *
Home Language
Cell Number
    Where do you live?
    Highest Academic Qualification:
    Employment Status
    Please Specify
    Course of Interest

    Please answer the following questions in no more than 3 pages (900 words):

    1: What are the problems that you see in your community? (approx 250words TIP: Keep this relevant to what you see in the world around you.)
    2: What are you doing to help fix these problems in your community? (approx 400 words TIP: demonstrate work that you’re actively doing and the effect that it is having)
    3: Why do you think you are the right candidate for the Fix scholarship to study Social Entrepreneurship? (approx 250 words. TIP: Include here your academic experience and commitment to social enterprise)

    Good Luck!


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